Morning Glories Wiki
Jade's Cutter
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First Appearance Morning Glories 10
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And remember how I cut you open.

–Jade's cutter[1]

This gentleman appeared one of Jade's dreams. Jade seems to have met him before, according to the gentlemen they have met before, spent a night together in Paris and promised to never leave each no matter what. He also insulated that he cut her open; the conversation ended when he rung a bell and Jade woke from her dream. His first name may be Alexander.[1]


Jade's Cutter has appeared in 0 issues to date:

  1. Morning Glories #10: All Will Be Free, pt. 4 Jade

Morning Glories Wiki has 0 images featuring Jade's Cutter


  1. 1.0 1.1 Morning Glories #10. June 8, 2011.